Friday, February 19, 2016

Thank Goodness it is Friday!

This has bee n a very Busy Week!

We continue to negotiate language on LB 824 to allow private renewable developers and expedited process for developing generation.  With the changes that are being finalized by legislative bill drafters, the NREA Legislative Committee has changed our position form opposition to neutral.  This means we will no longer actively oppose the bill and will not seek additional amendments beyond the compromise agreed to. It does not mean we support the bill.  The wind developers are also in a position to not seek additional changes.  Even with an agreement between the Wind Group and the NPA and NREA, the bill may still have opponents. I will outline the final compromise when the amendment is officially finalized.

The Natural Resources Committee Chair has designated LB 824 as a Committee Priority.  This ensures that it will have the opportunity to be heard by the entire legislature.  It is not a guarantee of passage.

NREA Bills on the Move

The Natural Resources committee has advanced LB 736, NREA's bill to all all Nebraska utilities the ability to purchase the output of a Community-based energy development (C-BED). The bill has been recommended by the Committee Chair to the Consent Calendar.  Consent Calendar is a special agenda of non-controversial bills that have the opportunity to move through the legislative process quickly. 

On February 8, the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee heard LB 973, NREA's bill to increase penalties for failing to notify the electric utility when an over sized load is to be moved through their service territory. The bill also increases fines for manipulating the infrastructure of an electric utility. The bill was well received by the Committee and it is expected to advance next week.  This bill will also be recommended by the Committee Chair to the Consent Calendar.

More Cost and the Loss of Local Control Proposed

Next Tuesday, February 23, the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee will hear LB 1068, Senator Ken Haar’s bill that would require Nebraska Utilities to go to the Public Service Commission (PSC)  for approval of electric rate increases of more than two percent or an increases in fees including fixed charges (customer charges) by more than 20 percent.  Any rate increase could require approval of the PSC if more than two percent of the customers petition for a review.  All rates would need to be filed with the PSC annually. All of the cost to review rates would be the responsibility by the electric utility.

LB 1068 adds an unnecessary level of bureaucracy and cost.  Electric co-ops and public power districts have locally elected boards of directors who are charged with the statutory responsibility of providing fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory rates to their customers. Customers have the ability to contact their local boards with concerns and have the opportunity for  input into the rate making process. Directors take this charge very seriously and all of their decisions impact them the same as their constituents.

There is no justification for removing local control and adding an additional layer of bureaucracy and cost for Nebraska's ratepayers.  NREA is strongly OPPOSED to LB 1068.  The Nebraska Power Association (NPA) is also opposed to LB 1068

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